Legal notice
Services of the society of the information law (LSSI)
Ignion, SL, is the responsible of the website, hereinafter The Responsible, makes available to users the present document, which is intended to comply with the obligations on the law 34/2002, of July 11, of the services of the society of the Information and electronic commerce (LSSICE), BOE No. 166, as well to inform all users of the web site about the conditions and terms of use.
Any person who accesses this website assumes the role of a user, undertaking compliance and accepting the terms here arranged, as well as any other legal provisions outside this contract.
Ignion, SL reserves the right to modify any information that may appear on the web site, without any notice to users on such obligations, meaning enough with the publication of this contract on the web site of Ignion, SL.
Identifying data
Domain name:
Company name: IGNION, SL, NIF: B66474750 and registered offices at: Av Mayor Barnils, 64-68 Mod C Pt3 8174 SANT CUGAT VALLÈS (SPAIN) phone: +34 935660710
Inscribed in the commercial register of Barcelona under volume 31603, 172, page B-195. sheet 527.
Industrial and intellectual property rights
This Website, including, its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, designs, logos, text or graphics, are the property of the person in charge or, has a license or express authorization by the authors. All contents of the web site are duly protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property, as well it is registered in the relevant public offices. Regardless of the purpose for which were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing, requires the prior written authorization by the person responsible. Any unauthorized use is considered a serious ofense to the rights of intellectual or industrial property of the author. Designs, logos, text and/or graphics and which might appear on the website and don’t belong to The Responsible, are completely the responsibility of their respective owners, being themselves responsible for any possible disputes that may arise regarding its use. The Responsible expressly authorizes that third parties can redirect directly to the concrete contents of this web site, and in any case redirect to the main web site of
The Responsible recognizes the owners the corresponding content the intellectual and industrial property rights, not implying its mere mention or appearance on the web site, the existence of any responsibility on them, support, sponsorship or recommendation by the same. For any kind of possible infringements on the rights of intellectual or industrial property, on any of the contents of the web site, you can do an enquiry via email at the following address
The Responsible disclaims any liability for the information posted on its web site, in the case that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party.
Use of Cookies
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